Sunday, February 13, 2011

Organic Baby Clothes - Are They Safe Indeed?

The thing is that regular fibers are exposed to very dangerous pesticides, some of which can even cause cancer. Most of the chemicals that cotton manufacturers use are petroleum-based and despite washing, they still remain in the clothing. Moreover, another great problem with conventional baby clothes are dyes that can cause skin allergies and irritations. Organic baby clothes on the other hand pose none of these risks as the production of the fibers is completely toxin free. Any environment-conscious parent should think about purchasing ecological products for the babies, toddlers and children.

There are people who claim that the benefits of organic baby clothes are not exactly direct, since there are very few chances of skin reactions to the fertilizers and pesticides used to treat the plants that give the fibers. The fibers as such go through several industrial processes that involve advanced bleaching, washing and drying, which means that a lot of the toxic residues will be gone by the time they become clothing items. Only extremely sensitive skin will have reactions to the minor residues in the fabric. Organic baby clothes are preferable because of the reduced stress on the environment: this is the real advantage and benefit of such products!

The problem with organic baby clothes comes from the high price and the fact that there are not enough manufacturers supplying the market. Sometimes the costs of such apparel items are with 50% higher than conventional clothes, and few people are willing to invest in clothing items that will only be worn for a month or two. Babies grow fast, and constant changes of the wardrobe are necessary, therefore, you will have to constantly save some money for investing in organic baby clothes, if you are committed to really going green.

If you can't afford to buy organic baby clothes, or there is no such supplier in your part of the country, at least you can do everything possible to choose something safe. Go for those products that are made of plain cotton, and as little colored as possible. Any multicolored item contains a high amount of dyes, and these have a potential allergenic impact on the sensitive baby skin. Online orders are also possible for organic baby clothes, and if you constantly check with the various retailers, there are high chances to make good purchases during the sales period.